It’s the age-old question, “what makes a good investment?” There are a number of factors to consider when deciding on investing in property development.
A few of the most important factors to consider include – location, aspect, slope and what’s above and below the block!
Location is key to whether you’re planning on selling or renting out the dwellings. Some lifestyle areas to consider for the prospective buyer or renter include whether it’s close to shops, distance to cbd, and location of schools, parks and public transport.
Aspect is the direction in which the properties face. Consider the natural light and the direction the sunrises and sets. When this is done well it can increase the properties energy rating.
Consider the Slope of the block and whether there is extra time and money required to develop one that is on a steep angle? In some instances it can work in the developers favour.
What’s Above And Below The Block can have an impact on the investment too. Review what is currently on top of the land and consider the cost to have it demolished or removed, some things may include trees, a house, or a shed. What could be lurking below the land can also have an impact. Site assessments review what’s beneath the land, this includes identifying whether the property has sewerage, water, clay, or rocks. Make sure to know what finances are required to develop on the block and do the research before committing. Ross North Developments provides free site assessment and will provide honest advice as to whether it is a good investment option.
Ross North Developments assists its clients to select the best investment option and provides full property development proposals, including designs and project costing’s as well as arranging shire approvals.